Welcome to CrossBridge Action Network!

We are a community based organization dedicated to helping people of all ages Cross-the-Bridge to education, services and a dynamic future.

Our Values

We value people because of the value God places upon people, namely the priority of His love.

We value relationships.

We value collaboration.

We value community.

We value information and data applied in any decision making process.

We value shared use of resources in order to achieve collective impact.

We value being a catalyst for outreach, collaboration, reconciliation and development.


CrossBridge Action Network, a non-profit organization, fosters and promotes partnerships among governmental, non-profit, private and faith-based organizations to leverage mutual resources to collectively impact and improve the quality of life for individuals, families, children and neighborhoods. Key areas of focus include: early childhood development; primary and non-formal education opportunities; opportunities to assist adults in achieving greater independence and improved physical, social and spiritual well-being; advocacy for improved neighborhood life and safety; with an initial emphasis in urban areas and other communities.